About Me
I’m a security engineer. Other titles, depending on how I want to be perceived: security manager, director of security, software engineer, security. Information security is very important to me, but I rarely if ever identify as infosec. Get your checklists away from me. Learn how to cd.
My background is in full-stack software engineering. I’ve worked on systems at banks, the DoD, global online marketplaces, universities. I worked for a product consultancy for a few years - that taught me how to gain situational awareness and prove my value quickly.
I love security engineering because it’s systems thinking, it’s endlessly deep, and because it lets me feel like I’m doing something good in the world - or at least, not contributing to the bad.
For the past several years, I’ve been building security programs for product companies. I’m also starting to consult independently with smaller orgs. When I accepted my most recent security role, I realized that this is really who I am now. This is my career.
I’ve decided to start documenting, so that every time it’s a little easier, and I can get to the meat of my work faster.
What to expect
I’m planning to catalogue the activities of standing up a functional security program, in roughly chronological order, with as much detail as I can (while maintaining my obscurity.) Hopefully this will keep me more organized, but perhaps it will also help other security-minded engineers looking at a blank slate think about where to start.
I’ll be posting weekly
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